Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to make flowers from dry arecanut

If you are ready to blend your ideas with ample time, you can create exceptional craft works. Have you ever thought of making flowers from dry arecanut? Here is a simple step-by-step guide to make nature-friendly flowers from arecanut.
All you need for this floral arrangement is:
  • Dry arecanut
  • Scissors
  • Green tape and thread
With a very few basic supplies, you can create elegant flowers. The resulting product is amazingly lovely, and may even  look like a real flower! First take a dry arecanut and try to open it up carefully from the top. Keep in mind that it is the neatness of your work that results in a stunning flower.
Move apart the dry fibers with care so that you get a flower like shape. Take the scissors and cut out the extra fibers in a floral fashion to achieve the right shape. Refer to the image shown below.
After you complete with a single arecanut flower, try to make more flowers so that you can go for a floral arrangement. Here I have shown a couple of flowers. Note that the nut of the arecanut still remain inside the flower.
craft ideas dry flower
It is often lovely to compliment the flowers with dry leaves or twigs to make it look more real. Now you have just finished up with the flowers. Next task is to stick it on to a twig and add leaves. Since this one looks more like a dry flower, it is a better idea to use some dry twigs and leaves with it.
flowers from natural fruits
If you are curious about the white flowers that I have used here, it is nothing but dried corn leaves. Using corn leaves, you can make elegant flowers like the ones you see in the below image. Arecanut flowers and corn flowers make up a great combination of floral arrangement.
corn flowers ideas
dry flower arrangement
natural flowers dry
These simple steps can help you create amazing floral pieces in no time. From twigs, fruits, flowers, cloth, artifacts and many other raw materials, you can make eco-friendly craft works.  Just look around your premises and explore the possibilities creatively to make the most out of raw materials.


Anonymous said...

Hello Noorie,,
As a blogger, it is really unfair to copy someone's article like this. Hope you understood what I meant. You may not understand the pain it takes to make these flowers, photograph each stage and write up article. Kindly remove this one. Hope you would do.

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